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How can we study without stress ??

Jidapa 039 2EN
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How can we study without stress ?? Empty How can we study without stress ??

Mon Jul 29, 2024 1:10 am
I have a lot of stress of feeling, How can I fix It , I want to see you Idea
by 23Adison003
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How can we study without stress ?? Empty Re: How can we study without stress ??

Mon Jul 29, 2024 2:19 am
I think it’s impossible to study without stress. Although we love our major or the way that we choose, but I think we will have a few moments that we stress and fears of something. By the way, I will suggest you how we release stress when you study. First, you can manage your time. If you have many things to do, so you plan it. Because priority is important to help you. Second, after you know what you want to do first, so you can practice and take time to it. Lastly, just told yourself that you can do it whatever easy or difficult. I know If we encourage ourselves regularly We will get rid of our worries.

Khampeeraphan 003 3EN
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How can we study without stress ?? Empty Re: How can we study without stress ??

Mon Jul 29, 2024 2:30 am
“No stress, no life, baby.” LOL, I think what you asked is quite impossible to be true. I’m sorry if my answer may seem offensive. I still think it's impossible, though. All you have to do is just let everything be, make good plans, and enjoy your miserable life. Everything will not be fine if you study here, so do not rely on this world too much and be ready for every kind of situation. I hope someday you will find the answer to your question yourself because I can’t even find mine.

Supitchaya 039 3EN
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How can we study without stress ?? Empty Re: How can we study without stress ??

Tue Jul 30, 2024 2:41 pm
You have to think about your happiness more, and study is not everything. Plus, you need to try to understand that even if other people can do it, it doesn’t mean that you have to be able to do it. I just want to tell you that you don’t need to force yourself. You have one chance to live in this world, why don’t you make your life full of happiness and enjoyment?

Napatsanan 021 3EN
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How can we study without stress ?? Empty Re: How can we study without stress ??

Tue Jul 30, 2024 5:19 pm
Honestly, I really have no clue. For me, studying always comes with stress and pressure because the responsibility and expectation that we have to bear are two of the most important parts of learning. But remember! Getting enough sleep and having good mental health are also very important. Therefore, you should try to manage your time wisely and not force yourself to the point where your life is not happy. If you’re tired, just take a break. Have a nice day.🐸

Pattaranit 027 3EN
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How can we study without stress ?? Empty Re: How can we study without stress ??

Tue Jul 30, 2024 5:44 pm
For me, I can’t handle my stress at all. I never know what I’ll be stressed about, whether it’s studying or living happily in study. It’s quite difficult for me when I’m trying to bear everything and get through all the problem.

Thiti 045 3EN
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How can we study without stress ?? Empty Re: How can we study without stress ??

Tue Jul 30, 2024 6:06 pm
Studying is the one thing that we have to do and study without stress is impossible because there are many factors that related with
your class such as teacher, lesson and so on. So, I think it’s impossible to study without stress but you can prepare for it.

Chinnapat 013 3EN
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How can we study without stress ?? Empty Re: How can we study without stress ??

Tue Jul 30, 2024 6:14 pm
For me I think stress is a part of our life.we stress everyday and the main point is how do deal with stress,For me I prioritize our things that important and do it followed things that the most important and then do another thing followed .

Ice 034 2EN
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How can we study without stress ?? Empty Re: How can we study without stress ??

Wed Jul 31, 2024 3:27 pm
I think it’s hard to learn when you are having stress but in our life we can’t avoid it. The best thing to do to complete ours goals is to deal with it. Find activities to do without focusing on stress. Always, tell yourself “let it go”. I hope you’re feeling better soon.

Natsirin 023 3EN
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How can we study without stress ?? Empty Re: How can we study without stress ??

Wed Jul 31, 2024 4:13 pm
I think it's very difficult to study without stress because every time, I expect things to turn out well and improve each time. But when I hit a low point, it only reinforces my sense of disappointment in myself. I can't do it because I always have expectations for the results.

Phichayapak 3EN 062
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How can we study without stress ?? Empty Re: How can we study without stress ??

Wed Jul 31, 2024 7:26 pm
I’m still find the answer to this question too because I cannot study without stress. Especially, when I study at the university.
I have a lot of things to do in my daily life with a lot of problems too. Even though I learned with fun emotions I still got stressed.
I just try to be flexible with my life. If something isn’t important in my life just let it go.

Siraphassorn 031 2EN
Jidapa 039 2EN
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How can we study without stress ?? Empty Re: How can we study without stress ??

Wed Jul 31, 2024 10:48 pm
To be honest, you won't be stressless while you studying, have a lot of pressure you have to through it because we learn that thing that we don't know we have to use our brain when we study and do homeworks do it with perfective method to finish your homeworks.
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How can we study without stress ?? Empty Re: How can we study without stress ??

Wed Jul 31, 2024 10:49 pm
It is impossible, or if you ask me again how to live stress free, I will tell you again that it is impossible. What I will say is that life requires balancing stress with relaxation.
People need to balance everything in life. You need to be happy and sometimes you may have some sadness or sorrow. It is a natural thing in human life.
It depends on whether you can accept it and it will pass you by day by day. I hope you are happy every day.

Phisit 055 3EN
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How can we study without stress ?? Empty Re: How can we study without stress ??

Sun Aug 04, 2024 11:10 pm
It is hard for me too. I always told myself not to be stressed, you can do it. For Every exam, every lesson I will pass it don’t be serious. But in the real situation I can’t do that I told myself. It's funny. I always have stress every time. How can we study without stress ?? 1f4a2

Piyaphorn 025 3EN
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How can we study without stress ?? Empty Re: How can we study without stress ??

Thu Aug 08, 2024 9:12 am
Stress has a reason. First, you should figure out the cause of the stress. Then fix it. Anyway, studying at a higher level can cause stress and we can escape. When we have to complete something harder would challenge us too. I set myself that any challenge that is harder comes with good opportunities to grow up.

Patcharin 026 3EN
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How can we study without stress ?? Empty Re: How can we study without stress ??

Wed Aug 14, 2024 2:01 am
Sorry to you if my answer can make you disappointed. Even if we study at the major we want to learn or not. I think we cannot avoid stress. LIke, when we study the things that we love, We are going to feel stress because the thing that we love makes us feel bad anyway because it is difficult, something like that. I think all we can do is try to prevent and know your limit, what times you need to break or what time you need to quit.

Natthamon 017 3EN
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How can we study without stress ?? Empty Re: How can we study without stress ??

Thu Sep 05, 2024 9:58 pm
For me, it is really hard to study without stress but now I am trying to get rid of the stress as much as I can. I think it is really difficult to not stress when you are studying since when you are studying you have to do many thing such as learning new lesson, do the assignment, review the lesson and many more activity not just in the classroom but outside the room also. Right now I want myself to study more relax and comfy. I do not want to pressure myself too hard for studying.

Sasikarn 035 3EN
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How can we study without stress ?? Empty Re: How can we study without stress ??

Thu Sep 05, 2024 10:10 pm
In my opinion, I think study would come a stress, so it is totally hard separate these two things. By the way, there not just having only flaw to have stress while studying because stress will help to stay concentrated or focus on what we are learning. After get through the point or already comprehended the task, the stress will disappear automatically from our mind.

Krit 005 3EN
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How can we study without stress ?? Empty Re: How can we study without stress ??

Wed Sep 11, 2024 1:17 pm
Well, for me I think everyone has stress while studying. It’s one day we have a lot of work to do. For example, I have a lot of assignments to do and each day we have a lot of things to face that can affect your study too. I think people are different. You have to focus on how we can handle and you can manage your life to be happy.

Neeranuch 050 3EN
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How can we study without stress ?? Empty Re: How can we study without stress ??

Wed Sep 11, 2024 4:21 pm
I think it's so hard to handle stress. For me, I'm the person who overthinks all things, all words, and all actions of anyone the thing that makes me better or can heal my emotions is relaxation time after back from study. I like to watch everything that makes me forget the stress that all-day. That's why I like to watch funny things all the time because I feel stressed and the biggest happiness for me that makes me far from depression is my boyfriend.

Karabuning 002 3EN
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